



Plan de relance : SimVA-2 project (2021 to 2024)

Project leader (with Metalliance) : El-Hassane AGLZIM
Title : "Simulateur pour véhicule autonome : application au milieu industriel confiné"

Le projet SimVA-2, créant du lien bipartite entre le laboratoire DRIVE et l'entreprise METALLIANCE, est destiné au développement d’un simulateur pour véhicule autonome avec une application au milieu industriel confiné dans lequel évoluent les engins de chantier de la société. La société Metalliance conçoit et fabrique des équipements industriels et des engins logistiques, électriques et autonomes, destinés au secteur des travaux pour le rail et la route, ainsi qu’à la construction de tunnels. Les travaux de recherche des enseignants-chercheurs du laboratoire DRIVE répondent, quant à eux, aux besoins scientifiques et technologiques de la filière industrielle liée à la construction de véhicules. Dans le cadre de ce projet collaboratif, nous visons trois objectifs majeurs :

  • Apporter des solutions de délégation partielle ou totale de conduite d’un véhicule de chantier dans un environnement indoor contrôlé. Cela passera notamment par l’intégration de scénarios de chantier, en cours ou en projet, pour ainsi anticiper et corriger le comportement de ces nouveaux types d’engins en conditions réelles, favorisant ainsi une optimisation des coûts et des délais,
  • Permettre la formation des conducteurs sur ce nouveau mode de transports de matériels lors de la construction des tunnels dans un milieu complexe,
  • Prédire le comportement physique (électrique, thermique, etc…) des différents organes du véhicule (moteur, batterie, systèmes de perception/vision, etc…).



DelivAIR project (2021 to 2024)

Project leader : Tonino SOPHY
PhD leader : El-Hassane AGLZIM
Title : "Système de transport de marchandises jumelé terre / air"


The delivery of goods to city centres is currently responsible for side effects and the new regulations and distribution channels are far from solving all the problems, which still result in the movement of vehicles that are not adapted (size, weight, etc.) with a significant impact on the dedicated public space. This project proposes a goods delivery system based on drones that can be optimally docked to an existing public transport system (bus/tram/ter...) to move from a loading centre located on the outskirts of the city to delivery points, while still being able to switch from one actor to another according to a route optimisation. Upon arrival at the nearest delivery point, the drone will autonomously unhook and complete its delivery and inform the recipient of its arrival. Once the delivery has been made, the drone will land on a transport actor to return to the distribution centre or on a bus stop to await its passage. It will recharge its battery on the roof of the bus/tram/stop. This project will contribute to lifting some of the obstacles to such a bi-modal solution and to considering the development of transitional solutions towards full autonomy with a less polluting delivery system that will facilitate the maintenance of commercial activities even in the event of a major crisis such as COVID-19. The request made concerns various scientific disciplines and is based on skills already acquired in the teams involved: DRIVE-SIC (connectivity, planning), IFSTTAR (localisation), DRIVE-MEEP (drone architecture, safety, energy), UTBM (Simulation) and Psy-DREPI (acceptability).



ROBASSIST project (2019 to 2022)

Project leader : El-Hassane AGLZIM
Title : "3D Indoor localisation by VLC of autonomous robots to meet the needs of dependent elderly people"

This project, funded by the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region and co-funded by the Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris (ISEP), aims to contribute to the opening up and assistance of vulnerable and dependent people in rural areas by developing a technological solution based on autonomous assistant robots that can be located inside homes using VLC/LIFI technology (wireless communication technology based on the use of visible light). These autonomous and smart robots will be able to transport objects in a given space and collect information in real time about its occupants.  They will be able to assist the dependent person (providing medication, medical monitoring, etc.) or to warn the emergency services in the event of an emergency (fall, accident, etc.)




SURATRAM project (2018 to 2021)

Project leader : Franck GECHTER (UTBM)
Title : "Système Urbain et Rural Autonome de TRAnsport de Marchandises - Autonomous sytem for Urban and Rural Goods Transport"

For several years, an important effort was made so as to optimize the public transports of people. This improvement aims at several objectives the main thing of which is the decrease of the side effects (clogging, pollution) bound to the hegemony of the personal vehicle which have important repercussions in particular in term of public health. Besides the improvement of the existing transport of mass (bus, subway, streetcar), of new surrounding areas of mobility were born such as Auto-lib, collision of autonomous vehicles.
Except the transport of people, the routing of the goods towards city centers is also responsible for the same side effects. During these last years, the regulation of this type of transport was essentially made by the legislation (limitation of the size and the weight of vehicles, fitted out schedules of delivery, ...) or the soft addition of distribution networks (tricycles, small battery-driven vehicles). Nevertheless, these regulations and these new distribution networks are far from solving all the problems, these being today still translated by travels of vehicles not adapted (size, weight) with an impact on the not insignificant dedicated public place.
